Wednesday 7 September 2011

Minutes - Tuesday 6 Sept 2011

After a long break a meeting was arranged to catch up and plan. It's quite scary how organised one individual can be, not putting myself down in the slightest and i have impoved since having Ellis, but boy had Clare been planning!!!! An agenda had been set for the meeting... which had already been posted on the blog... this woman means business ha!

After catching up and going through the work we have been working on so far, which coincidently we have been working on 2 completely separate parts. Clare - the games and myself - the functionality ( what will be seen while getting to the game) both vital parts, the agenda was followed.

Name Ideas - we left this one until last and decided to brain storm names over the following week to bring with us to the meeting next week

Re-visit Pitch Requirements - we spoke about what was needed for the hand in 4/10/2011 and a couple of points were raised that we need to speak with Iain about-

Draft Overview - As we need to speak to Iain to clear up a few points it has been decided to do this week commencing 26/9/2011

Key Selling Points/Purpose/Delivery Method - These are taken from the brief. We discussed the various purposes our game has- to inspire the user about the art form and to inspire creative interest. An additional delivery method for our game is that it could be issued to schools (fingers crossed!)

Items to work on - Clare and Becky to compile list so that these can be entered into Gantt Chart on return week commencing 26/9/2011. Becky suggested one chart for the whole project monitored by the both of us but with 3 colours, one for each of us and a different one for the both of us combined. Clare then suggested in keeping with the theme black and pink (Clare being Black and myself Pink)

Skills Audit and Job Spec as individuals - it was decided this would be done in the meeting 13/9/2011 but briefly Clare- Games Designer, 3D Graphics Producer. Becky- Brand Developer, Graphics and Functionality Producer.

Illustrate how the product will function and look- Clare had the idea of producing a brain storm of print outs of the work done so far and then producing a slide show decribing how each will function as sort of a 'what does what'

Photograph for website- Becky had to break the news that her Pink Glasses had gone for repair so this has been put on hold :-(


Clare to keep working on the games aspect and Becky the scene images.
Both to brainstorm name ideas for the game
Both to draft notes to complete the skills audit and job spec
Print out images for Design and Conceptual work
Becky to provide images of previous work so these can be added to the website - JPEG Format

FOR 27/9/11-

Continue working on separte aspects of the game
Clare and Becky to have list ready for Gantt Chart
Draft notes to complete Overview /selling points/ purpose/ delivery method


Sound, Animation, activity page for the children to collect and colour their own photos collected while exploring

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