Sunday 2 October 2011

Product Overview

Product Overview

Snaps Academy is an interactive application for schools that explores photography.  The application introduces the camera and it’s components.  Users explore the functions and applications of the camera and photography through a series of games.

The game itself is a photography academy/school on an island.  The users assume a character, male or female, and join the academy as a photography student.  The students are briefed on their equipment and are given photographic assignments.  The player then navigates the island through an interactive map, visiting a number of locations, each with a task to complete.

Throughout the game, the ‘photos’ will be captured and available to view and share within a gallery area.  An outline version of the images will also be stored in the Post-Production facility, the player will be able to print of and colour by hand or colour in an ‘edit suite’ of sorts.

The object of the game

Snaps Academy teaches their students how to use the camera and it’s accessories to get the most out of any photographic opportunity.  Light and weather conditions will affect the quality of any image and the location itself may present obstacles that the photographer must overcome.

Throughout the game the students complete several photographic assignments at various locations, upon completion they will be rewarded with points.  These points may be used to ‘purchase’ camera accessories from the academy’s shop.

The player choses in which order they wish to take the assignments in and will travel to the task’s location.  Players will soon realise that without the correct equipment they will be unable to complete certain tasks, this increases their learning, enabling them to adapt and react to varying photographic environments.

The non-linear approach offers up a number of journeys throughout the game, making the gaming possibilities much broader.  As such, the player will potentially get more use out of the game before completing it its entirety.


The game is a journey to an island of natural beauty.  The island is also the home of Snaps Academy, our photographic school that hosts workshops and residential classes for our trigger fingered shutterbugs.

As we start the game we are introduced to the island through an animation sequence that simulates the arrival of photography students, by plane.  The animation will approach and circle the island before coming to land.

The player with then arrives at the academy and will be introduced to their tutor and the game will commence.

For players familiar with the game there is the option to skip this introduction sequence.        

Introduction to the camera equipment

At the school there is an introductory class covering the camera and it’s accessories.  The lesson is delivered by a 3D model that has a 360 degree navigation facility.  It starts with the body, moving on to the detachable lenses, flash gun, memory card, battery, tripod and waterproof housing unit.

Players chose whether to take the class before commencing the game, alternatively they may visit the tutorial at any time during the game, but they must return to the academy to do so!

The advantage of taking the class at the beginning will mean the player will know what equipment is required for each photographic assignment.

The interface

Aside from selecting the correct equipment, the majority of the photographers work is in the composition and adjustments in focal length (zoom), exposure time, light speed (ISO) and aperture size.  

All these components are set based on what the photographer sees through the viewfinder.  It was a natural response to create the user interface based upon the camera’s viewfinder.

Flash, exposure, ISO, aperture and zoom settings are displayed in the viewfinder with the facility to adjust these settings and capture the image.

This viewfinder interface is used to every assignment, there is also a ‘button’ to allow the player to ‘escape’ or return to the previous menu.

The Locations

There are a number of attractive locations around the island, with a photographic task assigned to each of them.

The Countryside, Mountain Range, Beach and Under the Sea are the locations in this first version of Snaps Academy. 

The Assignments

There are a number of assignments each considering a photographic element. 

The Beach assignment requires the player to adjust the focal length to capture a variety of images, a landscape scene, a portrait and a macro shot of a sandcastle. 

Under the Sea requires the players to use the TV (Shutter Priority) settings to control how moving objects are treated.  They will select a higher speed to capture a crisp image of the fish as they move. 

The Countryside requires the player to use the AV functions (Aperture Priority) to switch between an attractive landscape scene with all components in focus and another image of the natural forms such as flowers in focus, with the background out of focus.

Other games will also require additional equipment such as flash or spare batteries.  Under the Sea requires the addition of a water proof housing unit, otherwise the camera will become flooded, rendered useless.  If the player has not accrued enough points to replace the camera, the whole game will be terminated.

Key Selling Points

This is a learning resource, not just a game.  It has been created to inform the user about photography, to inspire them to pick up a camera and create and explore the art form.

Appealing graphics to create an imaginary island, with a photographic school.  The game is fun to play as well as being educational.

3D model of a camera and its parts.  This teaches the user about photographic equipment, which part does what.

Non-linear narrative that allows the user to decide which location they will visit next.
Item inventory that allows the player to collect camera accessories that they will need to progress.


This learning resource will be sold in art retailers and bookshops.   There will be a disc format available, as well as a file on a memory stick that the players will be encouraged to use on their creative journey into photography.

We are also seeking a deal with distributers who specialise in educational resources. 

A trial version could be given away online from learning sites such as schools networks and the BBC website.

Future plans are to develop an app version of the game that can we sell through Apps stores for Android, Apple and other portable devices.

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